Tips to Get More Traffic to Your Blog Today Using Google AdWords - Welcome to Zina Broadcasting Network (ZBN)

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Tips to Get More Traffic to Your Blog Today Using Google AdWords

Tips to Get More Traffic to Your Blog Today Using Google AdWords

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I want more traffic to my blog don’t you?
I mean who doesn’t?
Never is it enough!
So let’s talk about Google AdWords keyword tool and how to use it to get just that …
… more traffic and readership.
But let’s start from the beginning:
In case you are not familiar, Google Adwords is the advertising platform of their business.
And it is used to earn up to 97% of their revenue.
It is so profitable because website owners like you and me can participate in huge amounts of search engine traffic every day.  We can do this by placing advertisements alongside relevant Google searches.
Sounds pretty good, right?
Although most bloggers get a degree of their traffic through search engines, many will begin promoting their blog with the use of AdWords – as it can be an incredible way to break out of obscurity and into the online limelight.
In other words:
You can also use Google AdWords to get the attention you need, start getting the readers and viewers to want to consume your content and interact with you.
Have I got your attention yet?
However, regardless of how popular and widely-utilized Google AdWords actually is, there aren’t many out there that know how to use it properly when boosting traffic towards their blog and maximizing click through rate.
So long as you adhere to the ever-evolving rules imposed by Google, the following tips and steps offer some insight into how you can improve your traffic with AdWords.

1. Get in on What’s Interesting and Trending

Seasonal offers, sales, and market happenings are all interesting ways to encourage people to click on your advertisements and check out your blog.
Obviously, it’s important to make sure that your advertisement is relevant to your business and blog.
However, if you’ve recently uploaded a post that talks about a seasonal sale taking place at local stores, or the latest update in the development of a new product, you can use that information to increase your appeal.
If possible, and as long as it makes sense, capitalize on it.
It’s also a good idea to incorporate what’s currently hot in your industry or the world events that are taking place around you.
Google Adwords Tip #1: Get in on what's trending in your area of interest. More:CLICK TO TWEET
But again, only do this if it makes sense.
For example …
Let’s say you’re writing a health and fitness blog and your topic is about losing weight.
Let’s imagine it is near Easter time and you’d like to weave it into your post.  To do so, you might write a title like “How to Lose Pounds despite Easter Chocolate.”
See what I mean?
Just figure a way to weave your topic with the events of the day (0r whatever) — without forcing it.

2. Discover Your Most Effective Keywords

So, let’s dig into this …
The first thing to do is investigate the keywords.
The information we obtain from Google AdWords keywords could be essential to discovering which keywords are already driving more traffic towards your blog …
… and which could be damaging your chances of success.
And you don’t want that.
AdWords keywords gives you access to analytical tools that give you all of the information you need to successfully prioritize your search marketing campaigns and maximize the amount of traffic you’re drawing in.
Google Adwords Tip #2: Delve into keywords to maximize potential. More tips:CLICK TO TWEET
The more time you spend analyzing and improving your keywords, the more likely you will draw in the right audience.
In other words, you won’t only improve your traffic and web content, but you also have a better chance of increasing the conversions that your blog is leading customers towards.

Google Adwords and Keywords

3. Using Google Adwords to Target the Right Audience

Assuming you’re familiar with your ideal target market, then targeting that audience only makes sense.  The faster and sooner you can get their attention, the better you cut through the noise.
But what if you are not?
For instance …
Have you reviewed the demographics that are likely to make up your most avid customer?
Do your readers come from outside of the United States?  If so, what percentage and where?
How old are they? What’s their education level? Are they male or female?
If you already have a blog (and have not done so), I suggest you ask yourself these questions right away.
Its usually known as creating a customer profile or persona.  Some people even name their personas to help them visualize their ideal customers.  This exercise can also include a name, age, socioeconomic background, country of origin, etc.
Once you have an ideal persona created, it helps you develop a “voice” to speak to that reader through your blog copy.
For example …
If you are appealing to a younger, millenial audience, your writing voice is going to be different than it would for retirees.  More likely you will write about topics that interest the younger readers.
On the other hand, retirees are not going to be interested in those topics. Their concerns are quite different.
Makes sense, right?
Audience targeting with Google AdWords can help you to target the perfect audience with better accuracy.
Get to your target audience better using Google Adwords Keywords. More tips:CLICK TO TWEET
Not only can you use lists to determine which parts of your audience sees which advertisements, but you can also choose which blog page your reader visits depending on their personal background.

Adwords and Assigning Audiences

4. Use AdWords to “retarget” prior visitors to your site

Google calls this “remarketing” but its really the same thing.
If you already advertise on Google, it means you’ll be able to show your ads to people who have already visited your website in an attempt to get them back again.
Let’s face it:
I know I’ve visited a websites before, failed to bookmark them and regretted it.
This way, you’ll be able to recapture those visitors (like me) and bring them back to your site.
Use Google Adwords Keyword Tool to Retarget Visitors to Your Blog. More Tips:CLICK TO TWEET
To set up a campaign, you’ll need to look at setting up a “campaign.” These campaigns provide you with extra settings and reports specifically for reaching previous visitors and users.
Its not complicated:
All you need to do is add a piece of Google remarketing code, also known as a tag, to pages of your website that you want to have correspond to certain categories.
For example, if you are a fashion blogger, you might create a “handbag” tag on the pages of your site where you sell or talk about handbags.
As an advertiser, you can enter your AdWords account and create a campaign and Google ads tailored for the keyword “handbag.”
This means that visitors who spend time on your page that is “handbag” tagged will have a cookie placed in their browser so that they then see your to handbag-targeted ads across the vast number of Google partner sites in the Google Display Network.
Another idea is to create multiple ads to see which one performs better.  This is generally known as A/B testing.
And one last idea:
If you have more than one segment you want to target for the same blog post, create two separate ad groups with unique targeting for each group.  This way you can capture a larger audience and see which works better.

5. Watch Your Quality Score

If you’re advertising your blog with Google AdWords, one thing you need to make sure is that you’re sending traffic to the correct destination pages on your blog.
Your landing pages or the blog pages that your viewers end up on, should be relevant to the ads that you are creating. If your ads are targeting keywords that simply don’t appear within your chosen blog, then your click through rate, traffic, and conversion are likely to suffer.
Trying to trick Google into giving you a higher quality score to ensure that you show up for all of the right keywords is pointless.
Not only that but you will more than likely be penalized, so don’t do it.
Instead, work with Google using AdWords to make sure that your score is exceptional.

6. Focus On Quality and Unique Content

Finally, a significant part of boosting your traffic through Google AdWords involves learning the rules and regulations that Google uses to value and rank your blog content.
In order for a blog to be deemed “Good” by Google, it needs to avoid the various spammy techniques that some bloggers use to draw traffic in, and instead focus on delivering incredible value and relevance to an audience.
Google even offers webmasters the opportunity to add plugins to their AdWords experience that will give them an insight into their keyword density and readability statistics.
Use Google Adwords Keyword Tool to Manage Your Quality Score. More tips:CLICK TO TWEET
While gaining traffic is important for any website or blog to be successful, it’s important to remember that it’s not just the quantity of people visiting your pages that matters- but the quality too.
For example, drawing in thousands of visitors may seem like a positive thing, but it’s only worth doing if those visitors are going to convert into subscribers, customers, or clients.
Remember what I said earlier about the quality score?
If all of the traffic that you draw in simply clicks away (something that you can check for with the Google AdWords bounce rate feature), you’re not going to get any benefit for your blog or company.

Google Adwords and Bounce Rate7. Have a Plan When Using Adwords

Keep in mind that although the points we’ve addressed above may be useful in increasing traffic towards your blog, a truly successful AdWords campaign requires some planning and dedication.
Just like anything else you do with your blog, it makes sense to have a plan.
As strange as it may sound, a successful campaign isn’t all about getting as many clicks as possible. You want visitors that are going to become a part of your community, and that means understanding your audience, and designing your advertisements to draw relevant customers towards your content.
You’ll often find that a great campaign requires some trial and error, so don’t be afraid to keep testing out new ideas and concepts in the search for a killer conversion rate.
AdWords will even help you to do this by providing data and analytics to ensure you make all of the right decisions along the way!

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